Anwesh Tuladhar
I am a Ph.D. candidate under Dr. Xinming (Simon) Ou in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of South Florida.

My research interests are in computer security, cyber-physical systems/Internet of Things (IoT). I have worked in CRISP project, studying the cyber security issues in the transportation domain, on a honeypot for IoT project. More recently I have focused on studying Secure Software Development practices with our industry collaborators.
Intern in the Product Security Program Analysis Team.
I am writing automation scripts for network analytics work.
Worked in the Coverity static analysis team. Prototyped a client-side DOM-XSS checker for javascript by tracking possible dataflows through the DOM.
Back-end developer in Benecore Project: Benecore is an innovative software solution designed to work in the Health care domain.
I designed and implemented webservice for medical and financial data analytics and report generation tolls in grails with Elasticsearch and MySQL as backend databases. I also assisted in deployment of the applications into Amazon EC2 servers. I also implemented python scripts to regularly sync data between the Benecore web application and a legacy accounting software.
I conducted the Numerical Methods practical sessions for B.Sc. IT students (Sophomore year).
Participated in VAST mini-challenge 2017. Developed a data pre-processor tool in Apache Spark and a visualization tool in Processing 3 which reads an image map, converts it to an undirected graph and plots paths as a subway map and integrated with Tableau. I received mixed reviews for the tool with the scores of 4 (Good), 4, 3(Average), 3.
Developed a Turing complete Object Oriented Programming Language for Compilers course.
Developed a Spark application using StanfordNLP library to analyse businesses from Yelp dataset based on their user reviews, locations, and user communities as a final project for Parallel and Distributed Systems course.
Optimized a simple serial particle simulator using 3 different techniques: OpenMP, MPI and GPU in the Stampede super computer as a part of Parallel and Distributed Systems course.
Designed and developed an Accelerometer based Glove Mouse using AVR and ARM based micro-controllers. Used AVR studio and Arduino Sketch IDEs for the same.
This project was selected for demonstration at the Army Technical Expo.
Designed and implemented a Car Security System with PIR motion sensor using AVR based Micro-controller.